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Luminous NRGT 200Ah 12V Tall Tubular Battery for Extra Long Life


The Luminous NRGT Tall Tubular Battery series is designed for extra power backup and extra life and proudly marked so.

Luminous brand of inverters and batteries from India has been in Nigeria for decades now, with products that are continually redeveloped to meet the peculiar challenges of our environment. With our poor public power supply, batteries are run for long hours and often discharged deep. Unfortunately, scanty power supply also means that batteries are hardly adequately charged. Generally, batteries get overstretched, often resulting in shorter-than-expected product cycle life.

The Luminous NRGT Tubular batteries series is designed with rugged tubular technology and to high engineering standards to give you a battery that is able to withstand the rigours of our power environment and still deliver impressive battery life. If you’re looking for battery that will last for you, this is one of the best products to stake your money on. With 24 months manufacturer’s warranty on this product, you can see that Luminous means business with this battery.

Luminous NRGT 200Ah Tubullar Battery: Features

The highly reliable, long-lasting Luminous BRGT Tubular battery series offers :


  • High performance positive plates made with Advanced Automatic wet filling process to ensure high surface area & consistent paste density throughout the plates. Spines made with Special alloy composition & HADI high pressure die casting machines to ensure defect free Casting with high corrosion resistance.
  • Extra Tall containers to store 30% more electrolyte to ensure less frequent water topping.
  • Less electrical resistance, High oxidation resistance, high porosity, High charging efficiency.
  • Optimally porous ceramic level indicator suppress water loss & promote safety along with cleanliness reducing water topping frequency.
  • Environment friendly and safer as it emits less fumes and absolutely low maintenance.
  • The bottom-line here is reliability, high performance and long product life, all key for your power backup system.

Luminous NRGT 200Ah 12V Tall Tubular Battery: Product Specifications

Product Name
Luminous NRGT 200Ah 12V Tall Tubullar Battery
Voltage (Input):
Backup Time (in hrs and mins):
Supported UPS (VA rating):
600 VA – 10 KVA
Dry weight (±5% Kg):
Filled weight (±5% Kg):